How to Earn More Than You Ever Thought Possible by Developing the Same Habits and Mindset of Millionaires

Here is what you get:

LIVE training

LIVE training on how to develop a millionaire mind, become a money-magnet using the power of your thoughts and set yourself up for success – delivered LIVE by me.
Video recordings of each session so you can watch the training over and over again to master the principles of wealth attraction at your own pace and in your own time.

LIVE Q&A Session

LIVE Q&A session to give you the opportunity to have direct access to me so I can answer your most burning questions and help you overcome whatever life throws at you. These sessions also allow you to be personally guided by me in a timely manner, if you’re experiencing any challenges and need clarity or advice.

ONe-on-one personal intervention

One-on-one personal intervention with myself. Each month, watch me LIVE as I take a member of the Millionaire Mindset Club (this person could be you!) and help them experience a breakthrough, eliminate their limiting beliefs for good and finally break their self-sabotaging patterns forever.

Access to Private Interviews

Access to private interviews with self-made millionaires who share exclusively to members of the Millionaire Mindset Club only, their actions, their strategies and their thinking patterns responsible for making them wealthy.

Access to pat mesiti's vip vault

Access to Pat Mesiti’s VIP vault. More than 16 hours of recordings collected over three decades and never shared with anyone - on how to master millionaire habits, how to apply the success tactics of the rich and how to unlock your millionaire mind. These recordings were initially put together for my personal use ONLY and designed to help me develop my own millionaire mind.

Pathway to Prosperity Online Home Study Course

BONUS: Pathway to Prosperity Receive complimentary access to Pat Mesiti’s bestselling online course outlining the 12 proven steps to financial freedom. seemingly impossible goals and achieve them faster than you ever thought possible. The techniques described guide you step-by-step on how to identify your financial goals and achieve them faster than you thought possible, with ease.

No complex strategy to apply, no tricky tools to navigate, no long process to follow… just LIVE help and hand-holding so you can finally attract in your life all the abundance you’ve always wanted… effortlessly.

Because right now, it’s almost impossible for you to make more money and have a more abundant, stress-free life no matter how hard you work, how much you feel you deserve more or how much you try to think ‘positive’.

You see, whether you know it or not, you have mind viruses. And as years go by, these viruses we carry inside us, multiply and become more and more harmful until they completely cripple us. They cripple us to the point where we become completely despondent and give up on our dreams and ourselves.

These mind viruses that manifest themselves through statements such as “I don’t have what it takes”, “I tried this already and couldn’t do it” and “I guess it is what it is” start coming out of your mouth daily.

And what’s even sadder, is the fact that we’re not aware of our mind viruses. Yet, they control everything. In fact, they call all the shots. They dictate how much money we make, how much we have or don’t have in our lives, what we pursue and what we stop pursuing. We are just the puppets while our mind viruses are the strings.

Here are some more common mind viruses I’ve spotted over the years:

  1. 1
    Money doesn’t grow on trees!
  2. 2
    I’m not made of money!
  3. 3
    We’d never be able to afford that!
  4. 4
    Money ruined my marriage!
  5. 5
    Money made him greedy!
  6. 6
    I could never wear that! I could never drive that! I could never live there!
  7. 7
    Money won’t make you happy!
  8. 8
    That’s impossible! It can’t be done!

There are also many people who have been famously caught by mind viruses:

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home!”

Kenneth Olsen
President and Founder of Digital Equipment Corporation (1977).

“Computers in the future may perhaps only weigh 1.5 ton.”

Popular Mechanics forecasting the development of computer technology (1949)

“The horse is here to stay, but automobiles are only a passing novelty.”

The President of Michigan Savings Bank advising Horace H. Rackham (Henry Ford’s lawyer) not to invest in the Ford Motor Company in 1903. Rackham ignored the advice, bought $5,000 worth of stock, and sold it several years later for $12.5 million.

People have tried to stick a mind virus in me, telling me, “You can’t make that much money! You’re just a Bankstown boy! You’ll always be a Bankstown boy. You can take the boy out of Bankstown, but you can’t take Bankstown out of the boy.”

I chose to end these mind viruses from shaping my life.

And you have the same choice right now.

You can let these mind viruses shape the rest of your life and let cynicism, disbelief, lack and negativity run the show…

Or you can start eliminating each one of these crippling mind viruses one by one and instead, learn how to tap into your unlimited potential and harness the power of your mind to achieve anything you desire.

Because the solution to your money problems (and all the life problems caused by them) is not out there, it’s in your thinking, it’s in your mindset.

When your mindset is prosperous, so will be your bank accounts.

When you join the Millionaire Mindset Club, you will…

  • Identify your mind viruses that have been stopping you from having what you want and deserve and eliminate them one by one.
  • End all the self-sabotaging patterns you weren’t even aware you had for decades and never allow them to return.
  • Have the things in life you most secretly and ardently desire that money would help you get.
  • Rediscover the zest for life you once had so you face life each day with energy, focus and commitment.
  • Make back the time you wasted all these years because of what your mind viruses took away from you.
  • Allow your mind to build you a palace instead of a prison.
  • Give you everything you need to accelerate your wealth and catapult your financial situation to the next level.
  • Finally fulfil the biggest dream you had but gave up on, because your mind labelled it as ‘impossible to achieve’.

My ONE Promise to You: Your life will NEVER be the same again.

Here’s everything you get when you join the Millionaire Mindset Club Today for only $77/month:

Valued at $3,997

Live Training each month in the Millionaire Mindset Club

I’ll deliver to you LIVE each month all the tools, exercises, processes and techniques guaranteed to help you unleash your unlimited potential. These life-changing secrets and resources will only be shared to members of the Millionaire Mindset Club.

Valued at $997

Video recordings

If you miss the live weekly sessions - NO PROBLEM! We’ll make the recordings available in the private, password-protected Millionaire Mindset website. So you can learn the jealously guarded secrets and principles of millionaires that you can apply immediately for instant results – In your own time!

Valued at $9,997

One-on-one personal intervention

Once a month, a member of the Millionaire Mindset Club will be randomly selected and given the opportunity to work directly with me. The live intervention will be customised based on the participant’s wants, needs, situation and challenges. By witnessing an intensive personal intervention, all members of the Millionaire Mindset Club will experience financial breakthroughs, gain the clarity they need to reach success faster, end procrastination, eliminate harmful habits and thinking patterns. My personal interventions have been described as absolutely ‘life-changing’ and have catapulted many to huge levels of success.

Valued at $997

LIVE Q&A Session

Receive direct access to Pat Mesiti so you can be personally guided by him when you need help, clarity or solutions to your challenges, no matter what they are. Pat makes himself available to you each month to help you overcome any obstacles you may be facing, so you can attract the abundance and prosperity you deeply desire.

Valued at $2,997

Access to Private Interviews

Listen to highly successful self-made millionaires who took time of their busy schedules to share exclusively with members of the Millionaire Mindset Club, how they achieved extraordinary results and overcame massive obstacles and challenges.

The questions they answer include:
How did you make your first million dollars?
What is the difference between you and others who haven't achieved your level of wealth?
What advice would you give someone starting from scratch and wanting to make 7 figures?

These interviews will show you how successful self-made millionaires think, act, navigate every day life and make decisions so you can simply model them.

Valued at $1,997

Access to Pat Mesiti’s VIP

16+ hours of solid, hands-on millionaire mindset advice secretly collected be for the past 40 years and locked in a vault, as a result of meeting some of the world’s most powerful, wealthy and successful business people and leaders.

Spend as much or as little each day listening to hundreds of fundamental and timeless wealth attraction strategies, proven to work time-and-time again. As you absorb the thousands of words of wisdom each day and immerse yourself in the world of a millionaire mind, you will rewire your own brain to reach wealth and abundance fast.

Valued at $2,997

Pathway to Prosperity Online Home Study Course

This home study course gives you the exact 12 steps to follow to achieve financial freedom. It gives you a clear road map to follow at home, at your own pace. The lessons and exercises are specifically designed to take you from wherever you are at right now financially and no matter what your circumstances are, to having the abundance you’ve always wanted.


  • LIVE training
  • Valued at $3,997
  • Video recordings
  • Valued at $997
  • One-on-one personal intervention
  • Valued at $9,997
  • Q&A session with Pat Mesiti and you
  • Valued at $997
  • Access to private interviews with millionaires
  • Valued at $2,997
  • Access to Pat Mesiti’s VIP vault
  • Valued at $1,997
  • Exclusive access to the bestselling Pathway to Prosperity home study course
  • Valued at $2,997

As a result of following Pat Mesiti, I've generated 10 million dollars, and more importantly, I got to work and socialize with my childhood hero Arnold Schwarzenegger and have been able to collaborate with Sir Richard Branson"

Glenn Twiddle

“As a resulted of implementing Pat's teachings, I established my own Property Investment Coaching business. Today the business is on track to coaching over 400 students this year. Pat’s mentorship, was an instrumental part of this success. Without it, many doors of opportunity would never have opened and I never would have seen my full potential as clearly as I do today.”

Nick Kirtley

"Thanks to Pat Mesiti and by implementing his principles, I was able to generate $250,000 in a single weekend"

Sharon Jurd

"With a wife and three young kids to support I needed to motivate myself further into action to support them.

I was 6 weeks behind on the mortgage and couldn’t afford food. I played Pat’s CDs each day over and over, read the books and believed I could do anything, laughed at most of his jokes, and applied for jobs (despite all my injuries). I dug deep, overcome massive adversity, landed two separate jobs within weeks that both paid almost double what I was previously earning- all with my leg in the air from my hospital bed with a laptop and phone interviews.

I went from zero to hero pretty quick. Thanks Pat, you’re my secret weapon that changed my family’s future."


Becoming a special member of the Millionaire Mindset Club will hand you EVERYTHING you need to…

  • Wake up every day full of excitement about going to do more of what you love and get paid handsomely for it?
  • Make a successful career right now from the things that excite you?
  • Generate a constant stream of money in your life…
  • Have the option to buy whatever’s on your wish list…
  • Spend quality time with your loving family and friends without worrying about work or the start of the week…
  • Fulfil your heart’s most wishful desire (whatever it may be)…
  • Donate to your favourite charities or help people in need…
  • Travel the world and experience beautiful destinies of your choice…
  • Have the freedom to choose what you to do plus how and when to do it...

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